Washington County Memorial Airport, located 5.5 miles south of Washington on Kansas Highway 15; is home to the 8′ by 16′ relief brick Veterans Memorial sculpture. The American Legion, Washington County Airport Board and County Commissioners approved this addition to the airport.
The signage and Veterans Directory was funded by donations and fundraising efforts through the sale of bricks with the veteran’s names engraved on each brick. An adjacent roller directory lists any veteran who has lived in Washington County and served our Country honorably. A special roller in the directory is dedicated to those from the county who were killed in action. There is no cost to place a veteran’s name in the directory.
The Washington Rotary Club’s Centennial Project was to erect a replica of the Washington Monument flanking the Veterans Memorial. The American Flag proudly waves nearby; a reminder to those driving by on the highway of the sacrifices of those who served our Country.
The adjoining airstrip has a paved lighted runway, which extends 3400 feet and is 60′ wide. There are recessed tie downs on the taxiway apron. No services are available.
Contact Kelsie Beikmann, Road & Bridge Department phone number 785-325-2318 for curtesy car information.