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Help America Vote Day


As the general election approaches and election officials continue poll worker recruitment efforts, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has designated August 16, 2022 as Help America Vote Day. This day of action is meant to assist poll worker recruitment efforts in your community, and we hope you can participate.

A toolkit with graphics, draft social media content, and other information is available here and on  We understand many state and local election offices have their own forms and online information for the recruitment of poll workers. Feel free to use your jurisdiction’s direct links instead of and customize the graphics as you share information on August 16th.

If poll worker recruitment is not needed for your jurisdiction, you can also use this day to raise awareness about finding trusted information on registration and voting.

As an election official, you can participate in Help America Vote Day by:

  • Sharing information on social media about how to sign up as a poll worker and use the hashtags #HelpAmericaVote and #HelpAmericaVote2022. 
  • Using the Help America Vote Day logos and graphics available here.
    • Sending a press release to local media sharing your recruitment efforts and how you are participating in Help America Vote Day 2022.
    • Reaching out to organizations and businesses in your community and asking them to share information from your office with their networks on August 16 about the importance of signing up to be a poll worker and how they can sign up.

    The EAC wants to make sure the lookup tool on

    If you have any questions leading up to Help America Vote Day on August 16, please email Thank you!

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