Legal Notice
Pursuant to K.S.A. 1996
Supp. 79-1460a
Results of the market analysis for Washington County for assessment year 2025.
A study of the residential (R) real estate market indicated a general upward trend.
A study of the commercial(C) real estate market indicated a general stable trend.
A study of the vacant land (V) real estate market indicated a general upward trend.
Agricultural use values are set by Division of Property Valuation not by the county appraiser. It is a “Use Value” based on an eight-year moving average.
Values on individual properties may not follow the general trend because of changes in the property, correction of descriptive information or adjustment of values based on recent sales of similar properties.
In accordance with the provisions in K.S.A. 79-1476.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the valuation of your property, please contact the appraiser’s office at (785) 325-2236.
For property tax questions please contact the Treasurer’s Office.