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Are You Prepared?

Be ready to respond to an emergency

Preparedness is the best prevention. Here are some things that you can do in order to be “Ready to Respond” to any emergency.

Practice your Emergency Plan at home and at work.  What is your plan for tornadoes?  For Floods?   For chemical spills?

For more information on being prepared for a disaster go to

What is your plan for tornadoes?  For Floods?   For chemical spills?

Put together a disaster kit containing:

Water: One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days for drinking and sanitation.
Food: At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food.
Battery-powered or hand crank radio and NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert. Extra batteries for both.
Flash light and extra batteries.
First-Aid kit.
Whistle to signal for help.
Dust mask.
Duct tape.
Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic bag for personal sanitation.
Utility wrench.


Other items to consider:

Local maps.
Prescription medication and glasses.
Pet food and extra water for your pet.
Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof, portable container.
Cash or change.
Matches in waterproof container.
Personal hygiene items.
Notepad and pencil.
Emergency candle.

Inspect your utilities.
Have the proper tools nearby in case you need to shut them off, and reacquaint yourself with the procedures on how to turn utilities off.

Check your fire extinguishers.
Are they stored in the right places?  Test your smoke detectors monthly.

Keep your contact information up-to-date.
Keep copies in your Disaster Kit, car, purse/wallet, and with a neighbor or relative.

Severe Weather WATCHES and WARNINGS

A WATCH identifies a relatively large area in which flash floods or severe storms might occur.  Watches are quite often issued before any severe weather has developed.  Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado Watches usually include an area 140 miles wide by about 200 miles long.

A WARNING is issued when severe weather has already developed and has been reported by storm spotters or indicated by radar.  Warnings are statements of imminent danger and are issued for relatively small areas near the severe storm or flood.

Outdoor Warning Devices (Sirens) For Washington County

Sirens are designed as a means of warning the population outdoors.  They are not designed to be heard inside your home or business.  When stormy weather is prevalent you are responsible for your own protection by staying informed either through television, your local radio station or weather alert radio.

All towns in Washington County have outdoor warning devices and are radio-activated by the Communications Office or can be manually set off in case of a power shortage.


If you have no electricity, the siren can not be set off by the Communication Center or if the Communication Center looses power, they are unable to activate your siren, therefore, keep a watch on the weather. The tornado warning is a solid three minute blast followed immediately by another solid three minute blast.  Please remember that NO ALL CLEAR siren will be sounded.  If a second set of 3 minute blasts is heard, that would indicate that another tornado has been spotted and you should remain in your shelter area.