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Local Emergency Planning Committee

What is LEPC?

Local Emergency Planning Committees were established under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. LEPCs are non-profit community organizations that must include in their membership, at a minimum, local officials including police, fire, civil defense, public health, transportation, and environmental professionals, as well as representatives of facilities subject to the emergency planning requirements, community groups, and the media. LEPCs must assist in the development of emergency response plans, conduct annual reviews at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens.

Public Notice

Section 324 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, also known as SARA Title III (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, PL99-499) requires public notice at least one annually information the public of the means to access information about extremely hazardous substances that are manufactured, store, and used within their community. Follow-up emergency notices may subsequently be issued.

Tier II Submission Forms

Facilities covered by The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) must submit an emergency and hazardous chemical inventory form to the LEPC, the SERC and the local fire department annually. Facilities provide either a Tier I or Tier II form. Most States require the Tier II form.


Tier II forms require basic facility identification information, employee contact information for both emergencies and non-emergencies, and information about chemicals stored or used at the facility:

  • The chemical name or the common name as indicated on the MSDS;
  • An estimate f the maximum amount of the chemical present at any time during the preceding calendar year and the average daily amount;
  • A brief description of the manner of the storage of the chemical;
  • The location of the chemical at the facility; and
  • An indication of whether the owner of the facility elects to withhold location information from disclosure to the public.

For more information, or to get your Tier II form online, view the EPA Website.

Meetings open to the Public

LEPC meetings are held virtually. Please contact the Emergency Management office at (785) 325-2134 to receive information to attend.